(Photo (2010) by A. Keith Carreiro)
I believe we live in a world today that is directly shaped by the events my parents witnessed. I do not think that the brutal demons of war raging then in the hearts of humanity were utterly vanquished. They still are present today and gather their forces together for another great conflagration. Its fires are being fanned even now as I write this entry.
I think they were waiting to be moved by the hand of inspiration, by the sweat of dreams and by the birth of wonder. They needed the touch of a prescient or farseeing storyteller, one who could stare into the future, peer into the past and write as if both were in the present . . .
Works Cited:
Bascomb, Neal. Hunting Eichmann: How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World’s most Notorious Nazi. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. Kindle file.
Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. New York: Penguin Books, 2005. Print.
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© 21 January 2016 by A. Keith Carreiro
8 comments. Leave new
Quite moving Keith…And it amazing, to say the least what our parents and relatives endured during WWII.. And, our generation, Vietnam War Veterans that still endure the pain of that conflict. My beloved Uncle, an Airforce Pilot, is still MIA to this day, after his plane was shot down; though he has a gravestone in Arlington Cemetery, there are remains beneath it…
What they experienced and the stories they told me, as well as the incredible individuals that they were, helped inspire me to write stories.
Your Dad served our Country well! What he endured in the horrors of WWII, in foreign countries is terrible! God Bless him for his service to our Country..
Keith very well said! I agree with your observation regarding an “unseen” war washing over into our reality. As you know I filled ” boots on the ground” in that godless PLACE. The evil that men are inspired to commit is gut-wrenching.
Hi, Frank: Great to hear from you. Thanks for reading my post, and for commenting. I am glad to hear that you confirm my belief about the unseen war. That understanding constitutes a major part of the story background in the Immortality wars series. Best, Keith
God Bless you Mr. Thibodeau for your service..
You have hit a deep vibrating and pounding chord that is difficult to react to with any appropriate words. However, I will at least try:
Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said, “History does not repeat itself but it rhythms”.
So thank you for reminding us not to forget that immoral era and learn all the imperative lessons from it. Hopefully, “never again” really means “never again”.
Thank you for your comment. The quote you cite is an amazing one because the rhythms of history are definitely there and quite palpable. Good and evil are eternally pitted against each other. In terms of who originated the quote, I checked it out, and have put an excerpt of Popik’s statement about it below:
“History repeats itself” is an old proverb. “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme” is often credited to Mark Twain (1835-1910), but there is no evidence that he ever said it. The “rhyme” variant has been cited in print (and credited to Twain) since at least 1970.
— Barry Popik
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” The Big Apple. Ed. Barry Popik. N.p., 5 June 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2016. <http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/history_doesnt_repeat_itself_but_it_does_rhyme/>.