This novel is the second book in a planned, nine-book series.
In a perilous world beset between good and evil, a young woman, Evangel Blessingvale, is touched by God and by the vision of her future soulmate. Can she merge the power of her belief and the visions she receives with her love for life and for a mighty young warrior?
In this modern age of publishing, books need to be appraised not only by their content and writing style, but also by the way they present and market themselves to the prospective buyer, whether that is in the good ratings it has on important stores like Amazon, its book cover and description, or the number of reviews it has collected. They must also appeal to new readers, so part of the evaluation included a survey asking avid readers to select the top 5 books they enjoyed the most.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. As the sole author of the first trilogy, the Penitent, in my series The Immortality Wars, and as the sole proprietor of Copper Beech Press, I have a material connection to these books, as well as to the publishing press, I have just listed. Other than my previously stated novels and publishing press, I have no material connection to the brands, products or services that I have mentioned here. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
© 11 January 2025 by A. Keith Carreiro
My books can be obtained at
For information about my series, The Immortality Wars,
please go to my author’s home page: