Keith Pedro, of Keith & David Home Improvements (Falmouth, MA), is rocking out the roof framing of a local green home† he is building. (Credit: Keith Carreiro, May 2016.)
Fiction is the truth inside the lie.
Is insurance coverage (if not provided by the builder) for the course of construction, general liability & workman’s compensation required?
Should an attorney be consulted?
Once these areas of concern are addressed, the best property for one’s budget needs to be purchased.
Building a home includes answering such questions, minimally, as where to build it, on what type of location will the house be positioned, where on site will it be positioned and who will survey the property? Also, what style of house is desired? How many cubic feet will it have? Who will draw up the plans?
Construction permits (septic, electrical, plumbing, mechanical)
Site clearance and design,
Perk testing (if there is no city or town sewerage hookup available)
Drilling for water (if there is no city or town water available),
Excavating the basement area,
Laying the foundation,
Flooring installation,
Trim & finish work
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
— Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961)
Tackling a novel, like constructing a home, takes on a similar component consideration with a substantial breakdown of the tasks required in doing so. Here is an overview of most of them below:
When to write
Rocking a Frame. (Credit: Keith Carreiro, May 2016.)
Where to write
Story idea
Where to start in the story [Kurt Vonnegut (1922–2007) advises to write as near to the end as possible.]
Type of novel
Story length
Knowledge base in writing
Resources needed for writing
Resources need for researching the story itself
Plot [the what]
Setting [the where & when]
Characterization [the who]
Thematic concern (message, idea, lesson of the story) [the why]
Style [the how]
Writer’s voice
Use of diction
Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes.
— Paracelsus (1493–1541)
Reviewing the two lists above, the first one on home building, the second on novel writing, I can see how many people might say something like, “Why bother getting involved in either one? It’s all way too complicated; and, it sounds like too much work.”
Oddly enough, I have seen that master carpenters and those who love the building trades, have a common spirit with those who have a love of the literary arts. They have a passion for what they do and cannot see themselves doing anything else. In crafting a beautiful home and hammering out a story (No, I am not using mixed metaphors here.), both share a zeal to see a vision realized. In doing so, they receive an affirmation of who they are as artists.
I dream my painting and I paint my dream.
? Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)
They have given voice, artistic utterance, to the vision within themselves . . .
Don’t play what’s there; play what’s not there.
— Miles Davis (1926–1991)
Related Links:
†Information on Green Building:
See also:
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Excellent Blog!!